Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

To fly like a cannonball - there's a concept

All of us go through things we'd rather not go through. We want to run and hide but that's a temporary fix. The answer comes in the form of release from the pain. A solution to the problem standing before us, but we don't see it... yet.  We travel on and keep our chin up, best we can. Some of us have friends or family that help. Some of us have the interactions we experience on a blog or web site. Some of us spend great moments soul-searching. Some of say prayers - the kind that are willing to help us... let go... let the pain, let the problem... fly.

Lea Michele, of the TV show, "Glee" has a song that speaks straight to me. Many times I want a painful moment or problem to get off of me. I let it go... because I want to fly like cannonball... a fast and definitive healing! I know I'm ready and nothing can stop me. Enjoy the song! 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Ode to cornbread ~

Oh cornbread ~ oh cornbread ~
I love you like crazy...
You make me feel happy, my fat butt gets lazy.
A bowl of fine beans or roast pork on top...
I promise, dear cornbread my love will not stop.

Your size doesn't matter, each crumb is so sweet...
I gave up my dog who sat at my feet.
He ate all the droppings and made me so mad...
No sprinkles for chili, 'weren't none' to be had.

I listen to music and what people mutter...
it rolls off their tongues like you, with some butter.
Forgive me for loving the vision I see...
I think there's still time for pan # 3.

Do I want you with steak, or with fish broiled just right?
Will the pork loin be tender with gravy'd delight?
Will the chili bring sighs on a cold winter's night?
Just go make the cornbread before morning's light ~


a dream for the new year's meal... past

The peas were busy soaking,
The collard greens were too.
The pork was in the oven,
and waiting just for you.

You brought banana pudding.
Your deviled eggs were so sublime.
The napkins were so lovely.
You showed up just in time.

The lemon pie was tasty.
I didn't waste a crumb.
The peas that you consumed,
would make a body numb.

We laughed and laughed 'til dawn.
Then early morning light,
revealed that you weren't here,
and never in my sight.

But I had heard your voice,
and your laughter, a soothing balm.
A lonely thought emerged,
then disappeared into the calm.

(My cell phone is ringing - it might be you!
No, wait. It's the alarm I set in case I fell asleep.
Was that a dream?
What a strange dream.)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 - rambling thoughts - ideas - wishes

Did you know that elephants eat Christmas trees? What if we sent all of our trees overseas to the countries with elephants? That's what I call going green.

A friend and I used to collect trees off the road after Christmas and make candle holders. Don't laugh. We'd glue on flowers and ornaments - sold for $25.00 a piece!

There's a nice skating rink at the NASCAR hall of fame, in my home town. It used to be fun but I don't do it anymore.

I've never understood why people wear funny hats at New Years parties. Reminds me of a few birthdays I had as a child.

Fireworks allover the city. I love to watch them, but my favorite thing to do is driving around to look at Christmas lights.

It's 2015 here. What a strange sounding number! I really hope you find peace about your life, or any situation that's still hanging over from 2014. It was bitter cold today, but I understand the shelter had 65 out of 75 beds filled. I suspect some of the men don't wish to be separated from their wives and children... it is after all, a holiday.

Thank you for visiting me during 2014! I've laughed, I've cried, and some of you really know how to throw a comma around!! Too many names to mention, and I'd probably forget someone.
Blessings to you all, with love,
Dixie @dcrelief, @an artful blogger, and @battle of the bands.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wrapping the week - the year - the body - it's cold!

Of course, once again, visiting the airport is out. I did get a bit scared today when a plane flew over the house kind of sideways(?) Maybe it was going back around to land - not sure - but I felt the need to talk to the Creator about it.  The plane disappeared into the clouds and I went on about the day's business.

I've had so much fun playing you songs (those favorite tunes of mine). I hope you had a chance to listen to some of them. Which reminds me - to tell you - I've joined a group that plays, "Battle of the Bands." We post twice a month and you're welcome to come over and listen to the new blog I've opened up to post on. Hey, you're welcome to join us! You pick one song, done in two different versions. Everybody votes for their favorite of the two (tell me why you liked the one you voted for). Then I come back a week later, add my vote, and give the results. Come on now!! 

The men's shelter has been full for the last few days due to the cold temps here. That means the shelter I volunteer with is going to be full capacity tonight! I understand a three piece trio will play tunes. Though I'm excused for the month of December, I'll still send goodies. They need an extra breakfast casserole - no problem - I'm on it! All of that lovely ham I got on sale before Christmas, has purpose after all(smile).

A niece gave me some lovely, pink flannel scarves for Christmas. They are so warm and appreciated. Also got a penguin hat - complete with ear covers(and little balls!).

How about  a year end song for us - dcrelief  is nothing without the Creator above, and lovely people here below! I know you know that(smile).

In memory of my Mom and Dad, and for my little Love Bird friend, Brisbane... all Sinatra fans. (And you too Billy Pilgrim!)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Goodbye 2014 ~ Hello 2015

As the last couple of days of 2014 leave us, I hope you can claim that your goals were met. I hope every challenge has been satisfied - and whatever that 2014 resolution was - can finally be written off at last. Meanwhile, here's a poem:

2010 - 2014
I made a resolution, while having no solution ~
Instead I said a prayer.
Time was moving slowly, my heart was sinking lowly ~
I refused to feel despair.
Then the realization, of my true consolation ~
Provided strength and light to share.
The problem disappeared, and no more have I feared ~
Instead I've learned to care.

Happy 2015 to the ones who've "joined my journey," and to the readers that just happened by. Know that your comments are always welcome, always appreciated, and more than often - teach me something about myself or the place we all call home.

Taking a walk down memory lane with this song. Love the saxophone!
Maybe you remember Dan Folgelberg: August 13, 1951 - December 16, 2007

Monday, December 29, 2014

Brisbane home ~ power off ~ Spinach Quiche

Which end is up today?

Sunday evening I delivered Brisbane to his home. His owner, my neighbor, had stopped for take out - he bought spaghetti dinners for both of us. (Talk about a nice surprise.) I think it turned out to be a good transition for the bird. Either that or he was completely confused?! He kept flying from one to the other.  But it didn't take him long to remember where he belonged. Yay Brisbane!

Today I was trying to get caught up on things pushed aside from the holidays, and the bird babysitting extravaganza. You know how you get on a roll... great momentum... "nothing's gonna stop me now?" I was up and down the basement stairs to do laundry - it is THAT day! While waiting, for the machines to finish, I'm checking out possible menus for the week. The computer is humming along while I also catch up on reading blogs! Suddenly - no power!  Everything in the house is off. But I'm thinking like Martha Stewart: this could be a good thing. (Not) Well I know the bill is paid up, so help! I stepped outside and there sits the power truck, replacing a thingy. (I don't know what they're called - transformer?) They're going to have me back in business in 15 minutes. If it'd been an hour I'd have taken a nap. Oh well.

Thinking of what to make that's hot, cheesy and easy? Something I might even eat cold, besides peanut butter cookies, which I made the night before. Freezer diving came up with a bag of frozen spinach. Ah-ha! No milk - no problem - I'll substitute some cottage cheese. Ooh, and I also have a third cup of cream of mushroom soup left from Saturday's meatloaf. (For some reason, if I can taste it in my mind, I know it'll taste good when made - don't ask.) About the time I got accustomed to the ambiance of all quiet  - the power cames back on.

Time to move on again. Come on momentum! I know - how about a tune?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

All Creatures Matter

A little bell jingles in the background - Brisbane is slowly waking up. I'm an early riser, but he will need another hour before he is ready to meet the day. If the sun is not up - he's not up. Don't dare uncover his little house before then. So I'm very quiet proceeding with my usual routine. The lights on the fireplace mantel remain off as well. It's taken me a whole week to figure how to maneuver him - or has he been maneuvering me?(smile)

Today Brisbane's owner comes home from Christmas vacation - it's a long drive. The lateness of his arrival will determine if Brisbane stays another night here. Sure, I could take the bird home now, turn up the heat in the house, and leave him... but I can't do that. My neighbor suggested it... but I just can't do it. I don't take lightly the life of a tiny soul... I'm responsible for Brisbane while he's in my care. So we'll wait.

It's awfully quiet under that little blankie of his. I know I'm going to miss Brisbane, but not enough to go out and purchase a bird of my own. I can't stand to see birds caged. I want to open the doors and let them all out - free to fly. My ownership and loss of two previous birds profoundly affected me. I've even accidentally called Brisbane by their names. Or was it accidental? Each time there was a crushing moment and the heart strings pulled me back to a time of bliss. We do love our pets(smile).

Still I've had a good time with Brisbane. If nothing else I've been happy to post about this little fellow. I only hope I haven't traumatized him. It's been a very different set-up here than that at his regular home. Sort of makes me wonder how children of divorced couples deal with the split custody of their parents. Two Christmases might not be bad - but two homes with two sets of rules might be.  People say, "oh the children will adapt." Just like Brisbane's owner is not worried about Brisbane's reaction to all of this. Maybe I'm just being silly. But if it were my bird I'd want the person keeping him to have the same sense of responsibility... and love. Some might see him as, "just a little bird," but to me... all creatures matter.