As a child I found a face on the moon. I wondered if the moon was like a giant mirror reflecting the goodness of a distant entity. ~And so began my list of notes.
I was watching the televised special program for Haiti. Story after story of death and survival was brought to light. I cried with some and cheered with others. I felt the brokenness, but only as a spectator to their pain. Yes, I could relate to loss, but this was so enormous. All I could do was hope that many would contribute to the needs, hopes, and dreams of this neighboring nation.
On my list of a childhood’s wonderings, was the question: “Why did my dog have to die?” Was it punishment for some nasty little deed I’d forgotten? I did, after all, sneak a piece of chewing gum, from my Mom’s handbag, one summer day. I pleaded earnestly: but why my dog and why now? Answer: he was old and he was ready.
As an adult I realized the ‘why’ can keep you looping, without end, without answers, and never satisfied. Eventually my studies taught me to include: who, what, where, when, why, and how, of all life’s events. This tragedy with Haiti has helped me to unlock some of those previous notes.
The answer to notes: 17, 58, 109, 1002, 2102, is: “Share what you can.”
Notes: 20, 320, 1005, and 2087: “Joy finds a way.”
Notes: 39, 855, 1010, and 2114: "Patience is a virtue."
Notes: 66, 148, 1254, and 2144: “All you need is love."