I came upon a hall of mirrors
where every fault was plain to see.
I found myself repulsed by actions
that were actually caused by me.
Who would dare to prick my heart,
finding fault within my reason?
Chiding me for what I'd wrought,
my faults to bear in open season?
My ego cracked the mirror.
How dare this hall reflect
the outragious words I lived by
and my careless acts without regret.
The meek stood in the mirror
with tears that welled and overflowed.
I noted their compassion,
and love for life in new abode.
Don't just stand there and look at me,
a hall of women in remorse.
I watched them turn to walk away,
their action changed my course.
I now looked outward from the mirror
to the woman who gently smiled.
She moved in grace with hallowed journey
her love unfolding every mile.
Her fractured heart with many faces
was melding slowly into one.
She stepped quietly from the hall
transporting me into the morning sun.