Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

some answers are not answers at all

Some answers are not answers at all...

Pretend you did what I did. First find a roommate to supplement the household income,  thereby, supposedly, enhancing the quality of life. (Yours not theirs, per Se.) About halfway through the first month's experience things get rocky. You then choose a second roommate, hoping the budget would recoup the first roommate's financial shortfall...  and now(!) the budget and I (or you) would be smiling... again. {not}

A friend once told me... "people see my kindness as a weakness, and then take advantage of me." Yes, I do believe I have that self-same stupidity gene. Some might refer to it as being "co-dependent"... in short... if I can take care of you, then I'm a good person. Then I have extra confidence. Then I can slap myself on the back and give me  a few "attaboys". Dixie rules!

It's too long of a story to share, and much too embarrassing to think I have no "street smarts". To become long-winded, telling all, sends me into a state of tears. It's difficult for me to fathom people being so manipulative.  Having no "street smarts," or worldly savvy has become the best joke on me. (Um, people are disrespectful because they have the right to be?) Miss Manners has just killed over from shock.  (No conversation? No debate?)

A changing world... a changing country... a change in attitude that produces animal-like minds...
Can we hate something or someone enough? There plenty of room to bash people around. Plenty of room to hate. Keep going... will they change me?

When I heard myself yelling to no one there: "get out of my house!" I got worried. It takes courage to admit the weakness I feel. It takes confidence to tell another, "in spite of my kindness, which you see as weakness, get out of my house." Just you watch closely as the tears are drying up, and a monster wants to get loose.  I don't do monsters; could be a first. Then again I can retreat to my little blog where polite people visit, and feed me with the best things of life: faith, hope, and love.

"You have not because you ask not...."
Would someone send me a digital attitude reflector suit?
Some answers are not answers at all... they're just thoughts.