When I count the number of times I’ve moved I feel sad to have invested time only to lose it later. Yet when I count the reasons for leaving each place, moving to another little place, I know I did what I thought best for me. So again I shall be moving to another little place.
Arrangements are incomplete like most things in my life. I have eight projects but I’m actively working on three of the eight. This past weekend I picked a project for fun; pure, simple fun. At least I’m trying not to take myself and life so seriously. In the back of my mind there’s a voice that says: “C’mon, just have some laughter in your life. Where’s your sense of humour? Where’s the play?” Everything is fine until another voice says: “Excuse me but we have eight projects? Hmm?”
Too many voices, no more Pepsi for me; “Muhuhahaha” has taken the forefront and is planning to move. (You go girl.) She’s flipping coins, she’s packing stuff, she’s making a list and checking it twice… you know that one right?!
Are there any of you that sit here faithfully, reading my blogs, and wonder if there’s anything more to me than tapping on a keyboard? No? Then go to the next paragraph. If yes, continue reading here >. When I moved to this little place the green grass is the two photos did not exist. The yards were solid, hard orange clay! The grass in the front yard is beautiful, though there’s no photo here. So I took plugs every year for three years and transplanted them to the back yard. They almost stay green all year now. This has been my favorite little spot. None of the furniture is worn out because I’m usually the only one using it. Everyone has gotten busy, busy, and busier. Somehow this fact makes it easier for me to move now.
Another little place is on the horizon. Will I invest in its life? Of course because an investment in its life is an investment in mine; another little place to cherish.