(I'm in the wrong blog! Wtf?)
Miss Daisy Duck crinkled her left eyebrow and winked at the “Donald”.
Donald spoke up then, “You silly duck, why are you winking at me? I need some quackers, do we have any quackers?”
“Sure we do, Donald; come over here and I’ll give you a nice big quack!” She winked again. ;)
Okay a silly joke I made up so I could write a silly blog. The point for me is to stay positive. And this is okay today.
It’s hard for me to talk negative when I’m thinking (and winking) positive. I get serious and then stop winking. No, no, give me back my duck! Give me my positive life.
Do I care what anyone thinks about me anymore? Absolutely not! I like being a private, serious, happy, person. Yes, I am nuts too, but I like it. When you read my profile, that’s really who I am! I would not have anyone mislead, but I think I have been blown out of proportion. In a polite way…I love it when one of you says: “what is she thinking?”
Originally I opened this space to write. Just to write stuff without following some sort of pattern. I did not choose to blog, as in “a journal of postings concerning an on-going daily account.” I chose to be a writer, and basically I have just been “goofing off”.
Looking back I see where I had developed a different perspective. I changed my direction from where I was in September 2008. Today I find myself facing a decision I need to make for myself. To stay where I’m at or go back to the “profile” person I still am?
So in order to maintain positive anticipation I’ve called out my ducks to give me a bit of a laugh at it all. My ducks don’t know about mental distress. They figure everyone gets a bit “daffy.” (I hope you know Daisy, Donald and Daffy Duck.) I am feeling very positive right now. Losing the fear of another anxiety attack happening is freedom. Pure bliss and my ducks are on the pond. Smile for the photo finish. Quack….quack…quacks. A positively silly blog!
(dedicated to David)