Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Butterfly bushes, and an affirmation for you ~

I love my Butterfly bushes! The two in my yard promise a lovely season of butterflies. This photo is from last year, but the purple color looks even better this year. What seems a very slight scent to me must seem heavenly to the butterflies. Though I'm still feeling weak from loss of energy, the picnic table I visit every morning allows me to view beauty up close.

Having begun a strict regimen of vitamins and supplements, I hope to be back to regular posting soon. I appreciate your patience, and comments!

Today, I'd like to share this week's affirmation. It comes from a deck of 52 cards in a set by Melody Beattie. Her collection is called, "The Language of Letting Go." Maybe you've heard of her?

"Today, I will cherish those relationships where there is harmony and honesty." ~ Melody Beattie