Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Celebrate the small things

I love this blog hop!

Thank you to our co-hosts:
Lexa Cain
LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge
Katie @ The CyBorgMom

Each Friday, we post what we're celebrating - those small achievements for our week!  It can be about writing, family, school or general life.  Then we hop around other blogs, offering congratulations to other people. To be part of this blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Cain's Blog.

What am I celebrating?

1 - My God-daughter gave me two colorful, easy clean blouses to for yard work. Almost time!
2 - An invitation to a coconut cream pie marathon. Yes! (Last week she made chocolate cake.)
3 - A congratulatory letter from the power company: "You are among the most efficient homes in your area for the year." SEE - all of those You Tube DIY videos on insulation, and caulking windows helped! (500 points under the norm of the average home. 200 points under the efficiency level homes.)
4 - Success with my new music blog, and the music blog hop I joined. I've had 16 people vote so far! The current battle closes out Friday at midnight. dcrelief ~ Battle of the Bands 

I hope everyone has a fun celebration day! Thank you for hopping over here.  See you soon, (smile). 
And now ~  the linky vehicle we travel on... hop forth and celebrate!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

A place to belong

A place to belong...
'Tis heaven's song

When asked to go
Make sure you know

That in your haste
You leave no waste

And love abides in every space.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

She likes, but He likes... part 2 of 2

As promised to some of you, here' s how it ended... at least it seems to have ended.

The sewing machine stands ready  to finish a project that seems to be never-ending. I'm torn between two designs. In the back of my mind, I want to be interrupted. Save me from this "mission impossible," and "oh-no-gotta-get-this-done," attitude. My phone buzzes with an incoming text: "In neighborhood, may I stop by?" The friend I shared cake with is stopping in. I felt a sense of relief... yep that's me, 'dcrelief.' I text back: "Yes!"

Let me list this stuff - I'll never make it through quotation marks and punctuation. I'm just a little blogger. Here' what my friend told me:

He thought I invited him to meet you, as a potential person to date.
He thought you had winked at him several times.
He thought you made the chocolate cake to impress him.
He thought you were playing 'hard to get' by refusing him.
He thought I left the room to give you and he a few minutes alone.
He didn't want to disappoint me, so he asked again, for your phone number. 
That way I'd know, how hard he tried to be polite to my friend.

I gotta tell ya'... I've never laughed so hard in my life! I sat down at the kitchen table, and laughed until the tears fell. Oh, please, let me write all of this down. Go back over everything, 'cause I don't want to miss a thing. Wow!

At first I think she was actually going to accept all of this trash talk. I picked up this list and read it out loud to her. I repeated it as blandly and 'matter of fact' as I could. Just like she did. Probably, just as he did. I barely got through it. No more laughter - I hurt for her.

I handed her the list, "Look at this! You know me! Right? Okay?"

She began to smile. A weak smile. I felt so sorry for her feelings being hurt. I reminded her that he didn't even know I would be there. So, where did he get these expectations "she had of him, to ask me out?" I told her, give him a couple days to think how's he going to get around this, and he'll call. She wants to why I would say this?

Unfortunately I hate getting involved with other people's relationships. Sensing the dance between you two has been interesting, but not a priority for me to interject an opinion. I'm hearing snips and bits but hey, you are both adults. Now, I am involved. You are being blamed because I rejected his advances. Think about that. Look at that last remark:

"That way 'you'd' know how hard 'he' tried to be polite to 'your friend.' " 
Therefore, it's your fault he didn't succeed.
Can you wrap your head around what's he's doing?

Next, he'll be telling you that something must be wrong with me, because I rejected him. 
(Yeah, and then the light came on in her head! He'd already called and started complaining. Poor baby!)

I introduced my friend to some compact discs, discussing "The Narcissistic Personality." We watched a couple, and I couldn't help but shed a tear with her. It's tough when you love people; you're willing to help in any way you can. But you might allow loneliness and desperation to get you involved with those who are predators.

She'll be here for the weekend... maybe Thursday too. It's escapism, but I completely understand. Some times all it takes is a true friend, and a vacation from the environment. I don't want praise. I want my friend to be safe and happy. 

So that's 2 of 2...  now you know. Be safe, people.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Last Frost ~ Stephen King guest post (Just kidding **)

In the yard yesterday afternoon, I thought I smelled spring. The smell of the warm sun on the driveway - are you sure that was spring? A chipmunk took a quick hip hop across my shoes. Yes! He popped out of his hole and in his zeal to bound to the yard, hit the tops of my shoes. It was amazing. I'm not sure who it surprised more... him or me?

Is it too soon to begin digging? Can I put away the shovel and take out the trusty spade?  In this city one never knows when the old "false spring" will occur. I've watched many years, as things begin to build buds and blooms, were suddenly disrupted or killed by the last frost. "The last frost," has the old Stephen King ring, huh?

Deep in the heart of the south, Miss Lily made the slow walk around the azaleas. Her hands lovingly placed the pine needles around each plant, as she whistled a happy tune. Overhead birds were singing one minute, and then suddenly stopped. Miss Lily didn't take notice at first, humming now, and at the end of the pine needle bundle, she stood back to have a look. Blood! Around every outer circle of needles, flowed blood! What in the world was going own? She began retracing her steps to the first bush. The blood was rising deeper with each plant she passed. She'd regather them and placed them in the wheel barrow, to be returned to the greenhouse. Something was terribly wrong with those pine needles. Such an expense and waste of time, she felt deflated.

She thought to sit for a moment on the new concrete bench her son purchased. Breathing out a sigh, she looked at the sun overhead, and a now dark cloud taking shape over the azaleas. She removed her sunglasses in time to realize it was no dark cloud, but a huge wave of red blood. What was it her Facebook friends were always commenting? Oh, yeah... OMG!!! **

The new owners settled in just as spring was breaking. Such a lovely home with the reddest azaleas they'd ever seen. How could such a beautiful, quiet place sit empty for three years? They were especially impressed by the kindness of their neighbor, who ran the greenhouse. She had dropped off a bundle of pine needles with a business card, stating: "Be sure and mulch the azaleas; they love pine needles. Gives them that healthy red glow." **

Monday, March 2, 2015

She likes, but He likes and the rest is kind of sad...

My good friend really likes a man in her neighborhood. She wants more than a friendship, but he doesn't seem to take the hint. (The hint?) So she called me to stop by and meet him. She wanted my impression of him. I didn't want to go. Something in my gut was saying: don't do it. (Really, don't do it.) But she's my friend, and it (was) important to her.

I took leftover chocolate cake. (Remember, I helped another friend dump her New Year's diet resolution?!) Cake and coffee, some good jokes and the hour was going nicely... he was late. (He or I, one should have stayed at home.) Into the next hour he arrived. A pleasant looking man with beautiful eyes... and when he looked at me I got a very strange feeling.

My friend went to a restroom break, leaving the two of us at her kitchen table. That's when he popped the question. (No, not that one, thank goodness.) He asked if I'd like to go out some time?  No. (Hot seat time.) He's a nice looking man, but dating is not in the cards right now. I am all scheduled out. No. I have male friends I hang out with, but I have goals I'm working on. And truthfully, I don't know that I want to "put up" with a male that close in my life. No. I think most people understand that having a partner means making some level of commitment. (And oh-good-grief, what about my friend? She's like a lovesick puppy.) He's not doing well with my 'no'.

My friend returned to the room and I stood up to leave. She knew I had a couple of tasks to complete. Everything was moving along nicely... me towards the door, with the two of them still sitting there. Then he stands up and asked if he can have my phone number? I looked at my friend and she was crushed. I got mad. I had the impression he might have done it on purpose. I'd already said, no, maybe four times. (I needed a moment to think and catch my breath.) I walked to her door, turned slowly, looked at him and spoke: As I told a few minutes ago - no, no thank you.

This has really been some weekend. I've called her, but she's not answering her phone. He sister says she's upset. (Yeah, I understand that.) 

"March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."  Happy March!

March winds: Learn to paint the colors of the wind

What do we wish for the Earth? Is it alive or merely something beneath our feet to exploit? Can we learn to love the many places we've never seen, or may never visit? What do we want for ourselves, that we would deny another having? Is there a song you would sing to the Earth? 

I offer this one::

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Don't read... this post will lead you to the dark side!

I told you not to read.
Now you're in my feed.
Ha ha ha! He he he.
I will never set you free!

Okay, maybe not. There's a music blog hop I do called, "Battle of the Bands," where I pit two versions of the same song against each other. You are most welcome, and not really under my spell, to go there and play.

You do not have to be a participant in the blog hop to vote!! I often remind myself that I could have just voted and stayed out... but NO! I had to jump in, both feet and now, "I'm hooked on a feeling."

The blog hop runs for six days, so it's not like I'm rushing you or anything. However, this post will disappear soon. You might be disappointed if you miss this. (Or, maybe not, when you see which song I've chosen for 'battle time.')

Only those willing should travel there. (Really, I do understand.) See the little box in the right column... at the very top! Yes, that will take you to my music blog. Have a look, maybe a listen, maybe vote... and if you want to hear more battles... there are eleven other blog-hoppers to endure. But you can stop any time you wish. Or you may stay here, and I'll post something else soon.

Time for my bow!