Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Coming to you - almost live!

This is what we saw:

~dcrelief will be posting the 'inside scoop' later... gee wasn't it great?!!
So ~ what did you see?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Deadline 7pm, will we make it??

The Opening Ceremony for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London has begun. It will begin televising in the U.S. in NOW!!!
The $41 million presentation entitled "Green and Pleasant" will reportedly involve more than 10,000 volunteers, 100 farm animals, mosh pits, electronic music, rain-making machines, and Paul McCartney of course.
At 7 p.m. ET, join our gold-medal sports columnist Alistair Cookie along with our major avatar icon, 'dcrelief' who will watch and not provide commentary as the big event unfolds on the U.S. of A. Hey we'rer not stupid... we came to see the stuff, not yack all night!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twit or Tweet

All the turmoil that the world seems to be experiencing, yet the Olympics bring a few together in hope. Hope that a playing field or a swimming pool affords a better way to view each nation. Idyllic, yes, and let's leave it at that. Today is about the view: "The London Eye"

Alistair Cookie, our Olympic narrator, is on his fifth ride at this time. He's under four years old and can free! Following is his report.

"Alistair Cookie here -  'Twit or Tweet' - it might sound like a holiday for children. A special night for collecting treats - but NO! It's a giant Ferris wheel turned into a fan-based reader meter. Yes, well... Now for some spectacular shots from our cameraman. That's all... HEY, HOLD THAT RIDE!!!"

Olympic Games 27 July - 12 August  ~  LONDON

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer and the need...

Summer and I find myself outside
in the sun, in the heat,
and the wind arrives and blesses me.

Summer and the plants grow
in the sun, in the heat,
and rain arrives to quinch their thirst.

Summer and the children play
in the sun, in the heat, in the rain
and their laughter is contagious.

Stay peaceful, oh tiny neighborhood;
my small world of races, creeds, and colors.
You fuilfill Summer and the need...