Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Phil Review - Tuesday, Oct. 13th.

Hello! I am Phil -  not to be confused with the Pennsylvania 'groundhog,' named Phil. We're very different, though we're both related to the Queen of England :) Now days, who isn't somehow related, as a distance cousin, or possible enemy?

My favorite/favourite thing is the alarm clock on my cell phone. Naps are vital to an old hare like me, so a quick snooze is refreshing. I have a profound admiration for the snooze button... it can be reset up to seven times. 

Is this the month for big beginnings of, "who's running for President?" Now we'll go forward a whole year, yakking about one person after another.  There will be lots of dirt flying - get your safety glasses now! 

Here's a candidate with issues already:

This month is the season for 'all things spooky' or Halloween related. I feel the need to post my own warning photos:

Questions for you: Are you related to the Queen of England? Do you nap? Are you a snooze button user?  Do you own safety glasses? Do you like pumpkin flavor? Are turnips decorations spookier than pumpkins??

See you next time!



  1. Trump's hair should run off.
    No snooze. I wake to music and get up within a minute.
    I still think a golden retriever should run for president.

  2. I had an aunt who was identicle to the Queen's late sister.
    Now for phone alarms I have Danny Boy singing "Hello Darlin'.
    Enjoyed the post and pictures Dixie.

    1. 'Hello Darlin' - there's a thought. I should add music to mine!

  3. no snooze for me
    Up at my sea
    Nit related to royalty at all
    But I eat pumpkin seeds at my hall
    Ugg to the election crap
    That falls across the map

  4. I am originally from England and I have heard it said that ever English person is related to the royal family however distantly.

    I like Pumpkin soup and I hate elections, especially yours, ours are bad enough in Canada.

    1. > >... "I hate elections, especially yours, ours are bad enough in Canada."

      Jo, I totally agree!!

  5. it escapes me why would people flavour anything with pumpkin... its natural taste is mildly nasty :)

  6. I'm not related to Betty Windsor, but my cat Her Royal Highness was. She went to the Royal Wedding and everything.

    1. Hot dang - we gotta winner here. Promise me you'll do a blog post!!!

  7. Delightful post. I'm not remotely related to the queen of England. My family may have had some blood relationship to royalty in German back in the day. I seldom nap, as I need to get a full night's sleep and that makes that iffy. I'm not a huge fan of pumpkin, only to tolerate it. And I would definitely not have it in my coffee! The election coverage may make us all crazy. No truths, no real power, and now concrete plans.

  8. Queen? No. Nap? Used to. Snooze? No. Safety? No. Pumpkin? Yes. Turnips? Way YeS!

  9. Pumpkin flavoured everything? This is truer than you realize. I just came back from the store and found Frosted Mini Wheat's Pumpkin Flavour.
    Horrified, I purchased a box. Realized it was not something I'd ever buy again. But I saved the box as proof.

    1. Haven't seen that - yet - but I know I will. Sounds dreadful, Jeffrey!


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