Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Come visit my music blog

Happy Monday!

It's 'Battle of the Bands' time at my music blog.

dcrelief ~ Battle of the Bands

You're invited to come listen to two versions of the same song, and vote for the one you like the best.

You do not have to be a member of this blog hop to vote.

I'll be spending most of the day visiting the other Battle of the Band participants. Please excuse my absence here, (smile).

This battle runs today through 12 noon on June 7th.

Enjoy your day!


  1. But you didn't say please...geez

  2. can't believe it's June already!

  3. Love the picture. Look ready for war.

  4. Hi Dixie, I couldn't find your email address so I'm leaving a comment to contact you this way. You commented on a cover reveal post for my book, The Year of Lightning, and you won the prize! If you wouldn't mind, please email me here so I can find out where to send it - Thanks!

  5. You have a music blog? What's Battle of the Bands?

    Just kidding... on my way.

    Had to detour here first for a bit of good-natured fun.

    1. Robin!! You're as bad as Alex - well - maybe not. ha!


Thank you for visiting me. Want to add your thoughts?