Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Monday, January 26, 2015

I am Professor X

It was cold... a rainy night... the wind was howling... I couldn't sleep. (Wait, the wind was not howling... you're exaggerating.) Right, but I couldn't sleep and that's the important part. Continuing, I tiptoed onto Facebook, that monstrosity of pithiness, to find this awaiting challenge. "Which Super Mutant are you?" It was something I'd never thought about... and yet. It was cold, rainy, the wind was howling, and I couldn't sleep. I felt up for the challenge and answered the however-many, all-important questions to determine my Mutant personality. (Actually, I couldn't remember who or what the mutants were. That of itself was a great rediscovery.)


"You’re a lover, not a fighter, although you could kick someone’s ass if you wanted to. You believe that true strength comes from being able to get stuff done without being a bully. Besides, you get more satisfaction from outsmarting someone than you do from inflicting pain on them, because anyone could do that. You’re better than that."

I am? (You are?) How wonderful! I was delighted! But just who was/is Professor X? When in doubt trust Wikipedia: 

"Charles Xavier (also known as Professor X) is a member of a fictional sub-species of humanity known as mutants, who are born with superhuman abilities. He is a powerful telepath who can read and control minds. He is the founder of the X-Men and runs a private school that shelters and trains mutants. He fights for peace and equality between humans and mutants in a world where anti-mutant bigotry is widespread."

Oh my goodness - that explains so much. I'm probably busy reading and controlling minds. I'm not sure I have time to run a school, and when do I do it? Seems I'm very busy without even being aware of it. No wonder I can't sleep. I'm Professor X. Oh the pain of of finding this out! Why didn't someone tell me. Better yet, if I read minds, why didn't someone think about it? I might have had a clue. I wouldn't be sitting on Facebook, cup of cocoa in hand, wanting to find the sheep department. I needed to sleep now more than ever. I was tired. No wonder - I was Professor X.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief - as only dcrelief can - closed down my Facebook page - leaned back in my office chair. Aw, how wonderful... in another time and place, I'm Professor X. The world is safe when I'm around. That must mean there are extra funds. Funds? I do get paid for this gig, right? (Only in your dreams.)

My blankie felt so good. A small glow in the fireplace. Cocoa gone? (Cocoa gone.) I settled into a rhythm of peaceful breathing... Professor X... who knew?


  1. he is such a lovely professor! Much better having him than that nasty Professor Magneto .....

    1. I know, I think I look jazzy in black and grey... couldn't resist adding a pink name tag :p

  2. I have seen the programme a few times, but didn't know all that about Professor X. I love Patrick Stewart. He's brilliant IMHOP

    1. Anyone who loves Patrick Stewart might love me too. Hahaha. Thanks, Jo.

  3. Dixie, definitely an unusual thought and post on this Monday morning. Thanks for sharing your Professor X.

    1. Linda Kay... I don't know what happened. I was looking for sheep.

  4. Replies
    1. It must... Gosh, maybe I'll get a pink wig to match my name tag!

      Debra - you-so-funny!

  5. You're a bald paraplegic? I knew it. I just knew it.

    I love those mindless Facebook quizzes. "Which Sandwich are you?" "Bummer. I got pastrami, but I was really hoping for tuna salad."

    1. Yes, (LOL), I confess I wear little pig tail wigs!

      No?! I got tuna and wanted BLT. What a world... what a world....

  6. If you're going to be any mutant, Professor X is the one to be. Or Pheonix.

    1. I'm glad to hear that, Michael - who's Pheonix?


    3. I understand - Phoenix used to be "Marvel Girl," like I know who she was, but reborn as "Phoenix." And Professor X was her mentor and father figure. This is hot stuff. Where have I been?

      Thanks, Michael.

  7. Was the cocoa spiked with peppermint schnapps? How else could you come up with that? Hey, that's a pretty darn good drink. Forgot what it's called but try it. You'll like it.

    1. Now there's a concoction! Quizzes would be out of the question if I had one of those special cups.

      I actually did take the quiz and based on my answers, I was told I was Professor X. Then I did research... and since I love Patrick Stewart... I was flattered.(smile).

      Congratulations on the recent book. I also enjoyed the Robin Williams' video, "Colonoscopy." Thank you for visiting me today.

  8. Hehehe, now you know. I going to be Firefly; I like the idea of flying and spitting on people I don't like :)

    1. Hi Dolorah. I found two mutant Firefly(s). One male and the other female.

      Most of the crazy internet sent me to "Firefly" the TV series, which I remembered seeing and liking... I glad you visited me today!


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