Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monastery 249

An evening before Halloween I drew the shades tightly,
The thoughts in my head did bother me slightly.
A moon that I feared was cast all in green,
the eeriest moon that I'd ever seen.

The clouds in grey shadows flew like the ghosts
and dipped to the ground as unwelcome hosts.
Ooh, went the wind as they flew over the trees.
The wails of their cries ~ I fell to my knees.

You can't get inside I yelled through the window.
'Tis Halloween's eve ~ you're all hung in limbo.
Attendants came rushing and as they drew near,
I screamed at the ghosts: "We all mad in here."

Hahahahaha ~ hahahhahaha ~ hahahaha!
oooohhhhh ~oooohhhh ~ hahahahaha!

(No offense intended.)


  1. Dear Dixie,
    Once again a nice poem from you. I suppose Halloween is celebrated with more vigour over in the States than it is here, although we do get the odd trick ot treat kid knocking on the door around this time. Halloween night always reminds me of the film of the same name. Very scary!
    Very Best Wishes, Dixie, and have a great Halloween,

  2. Ah Dixie,
    Yep Halloween
    Enough to make you scream.
    Never fear
    Just like you
    We all mad in here :)
    Trick or treat. Aint that neat....

  3. Hi David.
    I suppose it's something to write about while other subjects are brewing behind the scenes.

    Movies! There's Halloween #1 - 47!!! anId still counting. I had to stop watching the serial, "I know what you need last summer." Pretty rough and scary stuff.

    Glad you visited! I'm always looking your way for a blog titled, "I got it!" in reference to life challenges and blessings. Take care, my friend,

  4. Good one, Gary. Thanks for participating... maybe I should have you guest post?!!

    Then again, I can't wait for your newest version of "The Grinch"... shhh.(smile)

  5. We can all get a little mad sometimes.

  6. We didn't know too much about Halloween until the UK stores suddenly realised it was a cash cow. Now it's become part of the Americanisation of the UK. So now we get trick and treaters wearing their outfits bought in the supermarkets.

    As a kid there wasn't really much about Halloween, we concentrated on the traditional November 5th Guy Fawkes Day instead - but times change.

  7. Mike, I just read everything I could in Wikipedia about Guy Fawkes. WOW! What a story... definitely worth celebrating.

    Cash cow... good phrase.. that's it!

    We might be a hidden monarchy, ourselves. I'll have to share the story of a twelve year old girl who has discovered that all presidents, except foe one, are related to HRH, Queen Elizabeth.

  8. Would like to read about the Presidents being related to Queen Elizabeth!

  9. Sure thing, Mike. I'll drop the video link at you comment box. Maybe you can have some fun with it! :)


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