Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My season

They’ve almost all fallen to the ground.
My golden leaves.
Autumn takes flight.

I was a child when I realized that autumn was my favorite time of year. Indeed I’ve written about that fact a couple of times on this blog before. Something new has come from heart to mind and that is what I wish to share.

Recently a small package arrived; a birthday present from a well-meaning friend. Knowing the tragedies I had faced, all during the fall of separate years, meant facing their anniversaries every year. The gift made me realize I needed to step back and look at the bigger picture.

Though there are many anniversaries that cause me pain, my fondness of the season always gets me through. I call that “God-stuff”. Stuff that I, as a human, could not have prearranged; however that is not the issue here. Still I am amazed that the two entwine so, like a woven basket.

The issue is how the negatives play out in my heart. The positive attitude that autumn gives me, lifts me out of the doldrums, and into the golden rays of autumn itself. Pretty soon those anniversaries are merely single days that happened. They are not negative, they are necessary. So I look on them as precious events as they dance with me, every year, through my season. I bid them farewell as the sun tilts and brings ‘old man winter’ for me to cherish.


  1. So glad that you can now reclaim the time for you. A beautiful thought-provoking blog. With love, a fellow autumn-lover, Julie xx

  2. Dear Dixie,
    This is positive and thought provoking posting.
    Of course, it is the way we wish to interpret events in life. I see your onward journey as a place of much rejoicing.
    After the fondness of autumn fades for another year; you speak of 'old man winter'and more moments to cherish.
    Great stuff, Dixie. Peaceful thoughts, your way, Gary xx

  3. A jewel shining through:
    Yes, "reclaim the time", I like that... thank you. Thank you my well-meaning friend. Love, Dixie xx

  4. Hi Gary. My own attitude provoked me into taking the high road, embracing the positive.
    Of course it's nice to have well-meaning friends, such as yourself, helping me understand the steps.
    In peace, Dixie x

  5. I'm a summer person.
    I hate winter,love rainy days.
    The last year has been an eventful one for me and the next year is already promising to be a better one.

    take care.

  6. HI Dixie
    Well put in such a positive way! The only season I don't like is summer when it is so very hot. It depresses me terribly and makes me so sad. Then the fall is such a blessed relief. I love winter and spring but the fall is the very best. Looking at the big picture is definitely the way to go and grow. If you are too focused too close, you can miss so much and thast's why we seem to have to repeat things. Terrific job. Looking forward to more.

  7. Dear Dixie,
    This is a beatifully written and thought provoking post. It is great to see you turning your negatives into positives through your love of Autumn (or The Fall as you call it in the States- over here "The Fall" is mostly known as a rock band fronted by a self-destructive Mancunian (i.e. from Manchester) genius).
    Anyway, thank you for another excellent post
    Yours with Very Best Wishes,

  8. Hi Dixie,

    There is something magical about the changing seasons that offer us a lesson in the possibilities that lie ahead of us.

    Your point that negative experiences are "necessary" is a beautiful statement. As we allow each to pass, we become open to the potential within us to explore and experience the wondrous possibilities as they are presented.

    Thank you for this uplifting message.


  9. Dear Desperado,
    So good to hear from you. I read your last post about your sabbatical; sounded lovely. Indeed I gained a lot from reading it.
    Thank you, friend, for commenting.
    In peace, Dixie

  10. "If you are too focused too close, you can miss so much and thast's why we seem to have to repeat things."
    Aw, Heather, you're telling my story! Thank you so much for leaving me that.
    Peace to you, Dixie :)

  11. Dear David,
    Yes, I too have been self-destructive in days past; dashing myself against the rocks. Better to flow over them like a stream?!
    I great;y enjoyed your recent post; gave me an opportunity to grow.
    Peaceful thoughts, Dixie

  12. Dear Roger,
    Ah, a bit of wisdom here and a bit of wisdom there; I'm so glad you left your remark. It would seem to be the 'finishing' I needed but, I did not have your thought. Now that I do, I can add it to my plan of actions that work, and move a step forward.
    In peace, Dixie


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