Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

School ~ daze and confused

This reminds me of the time my younger brother 'borrowed' my high school term paper. He was in ninth grade and decided to make my paper shorter. He reduced the amount of information, (thinking?) it might, more resemble, the work of a ninth grader. Okay. Then he had the nerve to get mad, because the paper I originally wrote received an A+ . 'His' brought him a B+.

Did stuff like this ever happen to you?


  1. when i was a child, the week before school started in the fall was utter depression.

    i had no brother but i lost a lot of homework out on highway 61.

    1. Highway 61? I'll have to find that one, Billy. Good thing you're out of school.

  2. no, because my older brother is not as wise as me is :) And we always hated eachother to bits ... he'd probably organize a party to celebrate if I ever got a bad mark

    1. Dezzy, no! Be sure and send me an invitation (smile).

  3. No, I never copied anything from my older brother. He wouldn't have shared it with me anyway.

    1. Believe me, this was know after the fact. The grade was in. He's lucky our Mom didn't make him fess up!

  4. No, we just copied our homework answers from the smart kid in the front row.

  5. I never let the younger siblings copy. I was known to cheat off the smart kid in french class though lol hated french

  6. Never copied anything, nor really allowed anything to be copied. I'd get caught for sure.

    1. If that had been me, I'd have been on restriction for years!

  7. I wrote an impromptu short-story in an English exam and the teacher who marked it thought I had copied an existing story and gave a low mark but my class teacher knew I hadn't and got the mark revised upwards!
    I suppose this is the opposite to your request really.

    1. Bazza - that's worse than my story. Glad you got it sorted out.


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