Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Friday, March 27, 2015

No matter where you go ~ there you are ~ might as well celebrate that too ~

I think someone must be painting flowers every night, in my yard! I wake up to such beauty... and it's only just begun... 

I love this blog hop!

We are celebrating those small achievements we've had for our week!  Sharing about health, wealth, writing, family, or school... you name it, and we'll celebrate with you!  We do this by hopping to each other's blogs, offering congratulations. And for those times you need encouragement, this is the best blog hop group ever!!  Consider joining us by adding you name at Lexa Cain's blog site. Click on the badge in the right margin... > 

Thank you to our coordinator ~

And the co-hosts that assist her with this bloghop ~

What am I celebrating?  

Three,  free dump truck loads of mulch!

Four friends who showed up to help me spread it around.

A weekend of rest. More mulch is coming on Monday!

 I hope everyone has a fun celebration day! And now ~  the linky vehicle we travel on... 

~ Hop forth and celebrate!


  1. Friends to lend a helping hand, what a lovely celebration.

    1. We do two large gardens... one at my house, and one at her house - different veggies. It works out nicely. She can do corn, but my trees are too tall for the corn planting area.. does that make sense?

  2. A wonderful celebration Dixie.Have fun.

    1. It's so helpful. Last year we put in 32 tomato plants... lot of 'Tommy toes' or cherry tomatoes. yummm

  3. Replies
    1. Isn't that cute? A client had a photo transferred (maybe printed) onto canvas. (I don't know or do the technique.) It's either her daughter or granddaughter. It's 30 inches across and 40 inches tall. Not everything is showing in my photo; it's cropped. Anyway she wanted color added, so that's what I did. This has been around at least 9 years. I love it.

  4. Yay to mulch, but help to spread is even a bigger blessing. I'm sure you're flowers are loving it.

    1. Oh yes - they definitely moved ~ and we all will share in the garden when things start to ripen!!!

  5. The guy isn't a plus too? That mulcher may be after you lol

    1. More than likely he's after canned tomatoes, LOL. We had a lot of quart size jars two years ago. It's time to replenish. He he he.

  6. My hubby would be elated to get the mulch....and for free! And having friends to spread it around was great as well. I'll bet there was coffee or tea and a treat after? Have a good weekend, Dixie.

    1. My godson fired up the grill and did burgers!! Water, sweet iced tea, 'gatoraid'.
      He's a whiz on the grill (smile).

  7. Man, I so need mulch....and friends to help spread it. I am slowly SLOWLY trimming up my garden. But with my fibro, I can only do it in small spurts and the new growth is faster than I am. LOL Oh well. I am doing something, so there's that.
    Enjoy your week! <3
    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
    Caring for My Veteran

    1. The Fibro is a pain. I keep Atkins chocolate drinks handy, My doctor would prefer I drink three a day - but they're so expensive. High protein helps, as well as extra potassium and vitamin B complex. Guaifinesin (sp) stabilizes me.

  8. All that mulch for free is great! And so nice of your friends to help you out with it. Love the little girl painting the flowers photo. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I'm trying to hang out on a comfy couch and blog hop around. I've fallen asleep three times. More mulch on Monday. Probably do around the gazebo and along sides of the pathway. I've got these triple bloom day lillies coming up.

      have a great weekend Lori! Guess your glad the book tour is over!!?

  9. How did you score free mulch??? Nice!! We bought mulch from the local high school because they were doing a fundraiser. Currently it is sitting outside, in bags, waiting to be spread out! Hopefully Sunday will be nice enough for the hubs to get it done!

    1. A man said he was cutting trees and limbs for the power company in the neighborhood(s). Rather than send the mulch to the landfill, they were trying to give it away!! Yay!!! Two of my neighbors gave him my name. (Merry Christmas to me.)

      No bags, this came in dump trucks. They were nice enough to drive to a certain ares for me and dump it there!! My yard looked like the Smokey Mountains that first day.

  10. I love that picture! It's so whimsical and inspiring. She's like a mini Mother Nature. Speaking of Mother Nature, yay for the mulch and the loyal friends to help you spread it around! Have a lovely weekend and good luck with the new mulch on Monday. :)

    1. Lexa, I am dragging this morning, but it will be so worth it. Thank you, and have a wonderful, restful weekend!

  11. Holy mulch! That's awesome! SO happy for you and I know you will enjoy looking over your neat, fresh yard over a coffee all weekend long :)

    1. There you are, Miss-I got-a-new-car- and-you-don't!!! LOL, It's so cute.
      Thanks for reminding me... coffee waits!!

      You and Mr. have a lovely weekend. (smile)

  12. The mulch or one of the friends who is helping you????

    1. The neighbor I wrote about earlier in the week. He's an unusual sort of man.
      Of course my god-daughter and friends came over. It was fun, and hard work.

  13. Glad you had help spreading that mulch around! Enjoy the weekend.

    1. You and me too, Catherine. I'm thinking to do the front yard if they bring enough on Monday.

      Enjoy your weekend. (smile)

  14. Ooh....4 dump loads of mulch. Definitely like that. I'm off to the Seed Cupboard today. Isn't that a great name for a garden center?

  15. Hi Sharon. Three dump loads - four friends... it was great. Seed Cupboard is a very cute name! See you soon at your place. I'm running behind on Celebrations!!


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