Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year ~ 2013

Thank you for joining me during 2012. Your comments and visits are always welcome!


  1. Thank you, LOS! I'm happy that you stopped by.

  2. Dear Dixie,

    A visually stunning and musical journey from Enya. Thank you for your kind interaction over the last year and always a delight to visit your good self :)

    Here's hoping that 2013 is a most peaceful, positive year for you.

    In kindness and goodwill, your friend,


  3. Thanks, Mike.
    I hope that 'wonderful year' happens for us all. And I have so enjoyed your blog site!!
    Best to you, Dixie

  4. Hi Gary!
    Enya is a favorite of mine. Does it often seem to you that the year is a 'long, long journey' but suddenly speeds up in the last month?

    You and I have had our own journey. I'm glad because I've learned a lot from you(and Miss Penny). Thank you for always sharing positive thoughts, goodwill, and tidbits for growth!

    Best to you, Dixie

  5. Hi Dixie,
    Very Happy New Year to you, and thanks for all your comments on my blog, and also on the Pathways site (although you'll need your dictionary for that!). I hope 2013 treats you well.
    Very Best Wishes,

  6. Dear David,
    Oh-my! It is my supposition that a dictionary is required reading!! Of-course a few encyclopedias for light reading would add so much wisdom for me!! Yes indeed I love your blog.

    Then there's Pathways, and I am now paying an interpreter. And as soon as he learns English - there'll be progress!

    Bless you David - Happy 2013 to you.


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