Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Welcome August

It's a cool day. The temperature is almost 20 degrees less than the previous weeks of days. The skies are overcast with a yummy gray... not to be confused with that dank looking dark gray. The colors found in the trees and surrounding foliage reflect their colors upward. It's quite mesmerising.

Hold on, I've found a small ray of sunlight. Welcome August!


  1. Dear Dixie,
    And welcome to a new month with new hope. Welcome to August, my friend.
    In kindness, Gary :-)

  2. Dear dc,
    You paint a lovely picture with your words, dc. As for me, I hope August and Summer stay for as long as they can.
    With Very Best Wishes,

  3. Dear Gary and David,

    Thanks for your comments! I wish continued success for you, both, and your blogs.

    Most sincerely

  4. Hi Dixie,

    Your words are always inspiring! It's nearing midnight and I was filled with a need to reconnect with a few friends. You immediately came to mind.

    I wish you all the best and thank you for a peaceful diversion to the very negative world I have immersed myself in.


  5. Hi Roger.

    Nice to have you visit.

    I've been preoccupied with caring for sick family members. I'm just so grateful to be healthy enough to do this!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Most sincerely,


Thank you for visiting me. Want to add your thoughts?