Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

On vacation, sort of...

There’s no computer virus
There’s no bee in my bonnet
And there’s no-one that can fire us
But I could write a little sonnet

My mind is on vacation
It left just days ago
While I busy typing
The words came out thus so: sdsndj dkjieo kjes

At first I thought to panic
Instead I laughed and cheered
I’ll save my mind for next week
Faithful it would reappear

Note: actually I'm physically ill, but okay.
Will return soon; not to worry.


  1. Love this picture! Enjoy your vacation....wherever it takes you!

  2. Dear Dixie,
    Please make the most of your sabbatical. Refreshed, rejuvenated and raring to go even further in a more positive life.
    Warm wishes, Gary

  3. Dixie,

    I am so sorry to hear you are not well. Hopefully, you get to feeling better soon. Is your fibromyalgia acting up again? I hope not...

    Take good care of yourself. Rest, relax, and don't forget to smile, my friend.(smile) I'll be thinking of you. Write me if you feel up to it!

    Blessings to you,

  4. Dear Gary,
    The beach may have to wait until next weekend, but I shall be doing fun things here this time. I plan to do what you call: "Living your life." I so appreciate the support and empathy you've given for me to make it this far! You're an amazing friend.
    With peace and love,

  5. Dear Mattie,
    Well, how are you? Glad to see visiting some, but take small steps.

    I am so much better today. Fibro is fine. I had a severe allergic reaction to a household chemical.
    A few more days, I'll be 100%.

    Bless you Mattie.

  6. Wishing you well, I'll keep you in my thoughts, especially over the next few days. Come back to us when you can, dc :) xx

  7. Hi Jewel,
    I am glad to hear from you. Thank you for your wishes. Dixie x


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