Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How might it have been ...?

How might it have been different for you? If early in your life, the first time you as a tiny child felt your anger coming together inside yourself, someone, a parent or grandparent, or older sister or brother, had said, “Bravo! Yes, that’s it! You’re feeling it!”

If, during the first time you had experienced that sharp awareness of ego, of “me, I’m me, not you”… you had been received and hugged and affirmed, instead of shamed and isolated.

If someone had been able to see that you were taking the first baby step toward feeling your own feelings, of knowing that you saw life differently from those around you.

What if you had been helped to experience your own uniqueness and to feel the excitement of sensing, for the very first time, your own awareness of life? What if someone had helped you to own all of this… to own your own life?

How might it have been different for you?



  1. Dixie,

    I was very moved by your words. The 'examination' of one's inner self is essential to our sense of well-being...especially as a child.

    As a child, everything is new to us, and those emerging emotions often need understanding and explanation. Many times a child's questions go unanswered...leaving them to fend their doubts and uncertainties alone. Yes, they would later ask themselves, 'How might it have been?'...

    Inspiring words, my friend.

    p.s. I haven't been up to par these past couple of weeks, but I stopped to read some of my comments yesterday. I saw you had left your email and returned this morning to write you a message...but it was gone! I'm always a day late! Had I not been so tired, I would have answered immediately. Perhaps, we'll try again?(smile) My email is

  2. Hi Mattie,
    I'm so glad to hear from you.

    Questions I noted years back, surface now, and I have a few answers.

    I figured you were off somewhere 'crooning'. (wink)
    I'll write soon, Dixie

  3. Dear dixie,
    For me, I was a very imaginitive child, and would often disappear into books or films. For me, they were what provided my moral compass, not neccesarily my parents. In that way I suppose I became an auto-didact and hopefully have remained so since.
    But, of course, you are right, how we first experience the world must have a huge bearing on how we cope with it thereafter as adults. So thanks for a thought provoking blog and your continued comments on my own.
    Peace and Best Wishes to You,

  4. Dear David,
    I wished children received more credit for their own conceptual skills.
    I enjoy your auto-didactfulness; it compliments your posts.
    It's very good to hear from you. Thank you for participating with this post!
    Kind wishes, Dixie

  5. Early childhood memories can have a lasting impact on how we relate to the world.
    Our inner child can be subjected to much turmoil and when that sadly happens, the trauma can have ongoing negative results.
    Our parents, our immediate family, our friends can be a positive impact on our lives. Encouragement rather than discouragement is what we should all extol to the children. The inner child that glows within needs to be nurtured.
    Despite my own rather traumatic childhood, my inner child has stayed resilient.
    Warm wishes to you, Gary.

  6. Hi Gary,
    "The inner child that glows within needs to be nurtured."
    Thank you for mentioning that. I'm thinking I need time to pamper Dixie. I should be evry grateful to have accomplished what I have so far, but not in an egotistical manner.
    It's sad that I don't relate well with the world, so a 'music day' is just the thing to do.
    Warm wishes to you also. Dixie


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