Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Bless the beasts (and the children)

He's such a little creature
In my yard he's quite the feature~
Snatching nuts and hey, that 's my grape!

I know you love to play
But can't you stay away~
From the table when I'm outside?

You're the one who took my cracker
I'm not the only peanut butter snacker~
Don't give me that innocent look.

Just wait until Christmas eve
I've got corn in a netted sleeve~
A blessing for you, and the little ones.


  1. Haven`t seen a chipmunk in a very long time. Used to see them a lot at one time. One even bit my bare toe thinking it was food LOL. Love your poem.

    1. Hi Jo. I have a huge family of chipmunks. They're not afraid of me. Then again they can outrun me! If I leave a pack of crackers on the picnic table - step inside for less then 30 seconds - those crackers will be gone.

      That goes for the squirrels too, except they will walk right up to me and wait for me to hand them a cracker.

      I try to keep corn on hand, but they go through fast. They've never tried to bite me. Hahaha.

  2. awww he's so cute... although his little ratty feet do creep me out :)

    1. I wasn't looking at his feet - my fault I left the grapes outside when I stepped inside to answer the phone. This was last spring or summer. Wish my camera would work - I;d like to get a video of him running. Actually he gallops like a horse!! They all gallop.(smile)

  3. Those close to nature know what a privilege it is to be friends with Mr. Chipmunk and Mr. Rabbit. I spend a lot of time making the birds that come down here in the winter feel welcome. I provide places for them to nest and set out food and water. They know I am their friend because they land real close to me sometimes when I am just sitting out back, they are not afraid. thank you for the poem today!

    1. Okay rat - explain this one - I have a huge, huge(!) rabbit who comes into my yard... if it's "safe" then 3 grey-brown coated deer come in the yard too. He's always with them. I'm in the country - 2 acres - there's always action out there.

      Chips and squirrels have staked claim on my old gazebo. I'm not allowed long visits - yet! There's six adult Blue birds hang out too to fed on insects. I'm in the south so Blue birds are rare. I've had for two years now.

      It makes me happy when I hear that people appreciate the little creatures - they're being pushed out of a lot of places. Good for you!!!

      Glad you liked the poem. It seemed I put a lot of serious stuff on this past week - so I flashed Rufus - that's his name.(smile)

    2. contrary to how it may look, the rabbit is not spying for the deer. ha ha ha ha can you whistle? Try whistling when you go out to the gazebo and watch how the critters act. Just for fun......

    3. But his appearance is followed by the deer - just minutes apart. Okay - I'll go whistle, and get back to you.(smile)

  4. The chipmunks around here are only up in the mountains, and they always chatter at us angrily. None of this cute, innocent stuff. They wish us angry, fiery death for invading their homes, and if they were any larger, they'd probably eat our faces.

    1. Hi guys. Chips and squirrels don't bother me. I live in the house. The gazebo is their commune. I've got two walnut trees, one hickory, one hazelnut, one pear, two apple, two grape vine fences - about 7 feet each. They've got a good thing going!
      Get a corn twirler... watch them sit on the little shelf and flip the corn around like they're turning a steering wheel on a car. It's hysterical to watch.

  5. It's a wonderful thing to be friends with our fellow creatures. Even better when we nurture them. You are truly privileged to have friends such as these.

    The trees in my yard do not bear nuts. The squirrels in my trees have to travel long distance to get them. So I go out in the Autumn and fill bags with nuts and place them at the bottom of the trees. My neighbors thing I'm barmy.

    1. Hi Anne. You are so right - it is a privilege. I am grateful to have space to share with them.

      This morning I watched a squirrel working on a nest. It must be 30 plus feet up a hickory tree. First time ever getting to see this, though there will be many nests before January arrives. Last year I counted 13 nests!

      That's a brilliant idea - bags of nuts under the trees! Barmy? No!

      I hope your painting challenge is going well - can't wait to see photos!! You must be on a break and I thank you for visiting me.

  6. have you ever had squirrels in your attic?

    you wouldn't bless the little sons of bitches if you had.

    1. No Billy, but I've been accused of having bats in the belfry! :))


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