Image by Dr. Arthur Anker
Time for the serious love month. Visions of Reese's pieces dance through my head. What the heck, leftover chocolate covered cherries from Christmas will suffice. Something that says ~ LOVE. Then again, who decided that giving chocolate means giving love?
The "Poodle Moth" inhabits Venezuela. I find it to be grotesquely beautiful. Hey, how about creating a stuffed one for the LOVE month? Really those little golden antennae are so alarmingly charming; eyelashes even Lady Gaga would be envious of. Such a face that only a mother would love... the moth, not Gaga! Yet ~ am I too old for stuffed animals and creatures? It has that "Pokemon" look.
I thought about having an affair, a wild fling, but the only place open without reservation is the Monkey cage at the zoo. There might definitely be some flinging going on... yea, sure, but is it done in LOVE? Must google wikipedia to verify.
Where are the good old days when you went to a mountain top chalet, complete with Jacuzzi, melting pot of chocolate and ripe, red strawberries?? You wined and dined and had a very good time. Lots of smooches here ~ lots of smooches there ~ before you know it ~ you drown from exhaustion?? (Remember you're spending the time in a Jacuzzi)(smile).
Alas... maybe I'll mail myself an invitation to a mountain top chalet. While I'm waiting for delivery, I'll make myself a poodle moth doll. Once I get the chalet address I'll wire flowers, chocolate, and a gift card from Victoria's secret. That's it... a healthy dose of LOVE for me.
Okay. So if you want to come along, make your own poodle moth doll; the chocolate is on me! LOL.