Someone is getting really certain of what she wants (I know) and doesn't want to put up with (I know) and time is moving on (I know).
You know? (I know) You know what? (Smiles and nods, knowingly).
Is is me or is it disturbing when the only answer from a friend is... I know? (I know).
Then the fabulous option of replying... I see. (I see) (I know)
Which leads me to the all-knowing, all-seeing response: (I understand)
But lately this has been a okay. (I know) How do you know? (I know you). Wait, that's three words in a response... wow... that makes me happy. (I see) You see? (I see you're happy) Oh, four words and I am feeling freed by your support and feedback. (I understand) I know you understand. (How do you know?) I know. I see. I finally understand.
Let's do lunch again soon. (When?) You'll know.