Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday - wrapping it up

It could be time for a new mouse! Though I have a laptop - I need my mouse! Lately the old copy/paste function is well... not functioning as usual. Or maybe my fingers don't dance like in olden days (no!) So here I sit in blogger-town writing this. I removed two previous posts - oh boo-boos abound!

Tonight is Men's shelter night. I was asked to make macaroni and cheese. Two beautiful pans are ready to pop into the oven. The hard part will be getting them out of the door without a little sample, (to make sure they taste right... right?), but I'll succeed.

A neighbor wants help with her door decoration. This is a photo she found and that's the one! It's just a partial piece of berry garland with a tiny house. She wants the heart shape a little more pronounced. It's taking longer to type this in, than the time it will take to make her door wreath! Isn't it sweet?!

From here I'm headed to Goodwill - I'm sure they have a mouse for me. Surely none of you are experiencing Holiday boo-boos, right?!


  1. we do love door wreaths! We don't put them out here, so it's always nice seeing them in your doors and photos :)
    Bless you for making mac and cheese for the homeless!

    1. Oh Dezmond - I saw the ones you posted - love the greens this year. They're so bright and cheery! (Color like the Dezzy balls on your Hollywood Spy!)

      It was so cold out - we had 35 men this week. That's half capacity. leftovers were put in little single cup cake papers so they can take them for later munching! We make bag lunches for the next day for them. That's fun too. One of them knew how to play guitar and they sang Christmas songs! (yep)(smile)

    2. I do adore lime and pear green everywhere and I use it on Christmas balls in my bathroom :)
      That is so lovely! I'd come help you if I was there, it is both nice and fulfilling to do

    3. Amazing colors. I'm also doing some aqua because my year round theme for this house is the beach.

      I think it's one of the nicest things I've ever done for myself. That might sound strange.(smile)

  2. "And not a creature was stirring, not even a . . . ."

    1. Poor mouse - they ate all of the cheese! Or took it for the next day!!

  3. My mother used to make the best macaroni and cheese. I have a happy memory because I visited you.


    1. Okay Janie, now you're going to make me tear up. I'm glad you could visit!

  4. don't get tricked into buying a wireless mouse. i'd save a lot of time looking for things if all my stuff was corded like my trusty old mouse.

    1. Hi Billy. I can't use the wireless - my body is electrical and has a tendency to knock things off or out. I change red lights to green lights when driving down the road. (Long story - they wanted to 'study' me in Arizona. I said no.) Shh- I once cranked a car with a dead battery.(smile) Conversely I can knock out my own car - then it takes someone else to crank it for me. I know it makes no sense. I don't understand - but there are things I've "fixed" that I didn't fix - you know?


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