Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Early, it is morning.
I step lightly without shoes

I step lightly, joy renews
Tenderness gleaned from the light
Precious time is in my sight
Meets me when I feel the dew
When I step without my shoes

I step lightly without shoes
Ii is morning, early


  1. Thanks for the kind words...still finding my voice into this world but I'm really enjoying it. You're writing is beautiful.

  2. Fionn: Thank you very much.
    Your fingers do your voice a great service. I look forward to 'hearing' more.

  3. Hi Dixie,
    Thanks for sharing this lovely poem. I can feel the dew on my feet as the mist rises and the sun comes up from beyond the hill.

  4. Hi Gary,
    I appreciate the picture you just painted as well. Morning.


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