Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A note to my reading and writing friends

photo by Karen Marshall

It has been my pleasure to have two wikizines on the Zimbio website. However within the last nine months my zines have suffered damage from various incidents. Many articles have been lost that cannot be replaced. Some I do not have copies of, especially, if it involved a computer “crash.”

You may have read: (1) “Remove the Rose Colored Glasses,” or (2) “Arch-ing.”

As of February 23, 2009 both were deleted from viewing and their accounts closed. My apology, and I hope this does not bring any inconvenience to any of you, my fellow readers and writers.

~dcrelief~ will remain on “Blogger”. I am always grateful that you read along. Your comments are always welcome and greatly appreciated.

With heartfelt gratitude,


Post script: You’ll be the first to know if I create a new Zimbio wikizine!
Hmm; what would we call it?


  1. Hi Dixie,
    That's a real shame that you have closed down your two accounts on Zimbio. I was under the impression most of the issues had been resolved.
    It must be a most frustrating situation for you. I hope you eventually create a new Wikizine. I'm sure you will come up with some imaginative name if you do.
    I shall continue to read and comment on your wonderful dcrelief blog via
    Take good care and please stay positive. Gary x

  2. Hi Gary,
    Back in mid-January when my computer crashed from there, I sent in a request to close them. I failed to go back and "un-do" that request. However that said, Zimbio was still unable to stabilize "Rose" and lost six months of articles.
    Ironically I had forgotten that 'Arch-ing" shared the same blog-space-spot and addresses.
    I received an email on Feb. 23, telling me the two were gone, per my Jan. request.
    Such is life.
    Thank you for your continued support and sharing. I always enjoy hearing for you. (I'm smiling). Thank you Gary.

  3. Never mind this post... the zines are back!!!! Dixie.


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