Stripping away the rose colored glasses of denial concerning my reality. Getting in touch with truth. Reaching out to others in empathy concerning their reality and their walk to truth.

Monday, December 22, 2008

a season of greetings:


  1. Hey dcrelief,
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Wishing that 2009 is a most peaceful, positive year for you. There you go, notice I didn't call 'Christmas', 'Boxing Day Eve'? Doh! :-)

  2. Dear Klahanie,
    Thank you so kindly for asking me to collaborate on two blogs with you for Mental Health. It is a pleasure and a treasure to find a person as giving and resourceful as yourself. My sincerest wishes for your holiday season and new year also. In peace, dcrelief

  3. Merry Christmas D
    I'm so glad to have someone as special as you.


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